Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dota-Allstars 6.70c AI Rev 2

Dota 6.70c AI Rev 2 - Download Dota Allstars 6.70c AI Map 2-Rev. PBMN just made ​​another version of the map DotA 6.70c AI. He has to solve any problem with Phoenix and also basic AI reaction to Phoenix's Supernova and Sun Ray. Look at the map!

DotA 6.70c AI Rev 2 Changelogs
1. Fixed Human Phoenix Auto Super Nova after Dive and Low HP.
2. Removed the debug message after Invoker`s Meteor.
3. Fixed Walrus Punch not working when used on the same hero twice.
4. Added Phoenix basic anti Sun Ray and Super Nova reactions.
5. Fixed a bug in Invoker`s system skills usage making him use Ghost Walk when he can`t.
6. I put some delay on endscreen generation but i don`t think that fixes the bug with missing data at some point.


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